On Monday and Tuesday, North Carolina Medical Society (NCMS) medical student recruiting events were held at Duke University and UNC-Chapel Hill medical schools respectively. Both events were well-attended with almost every student in the first year class participating.
At Duke, NCMS Immediate Past President Dev Sangvai, MD gave the opening address, giving an overview of organized medicine and key topics in health policy. Duke chapter leaders Bora Chang, Kyle Freischleng, Trach Cheng and others made comments regarding how to get involved. They also shared their experiences in meetings with the AMA, NCMS and the Durham Orange County Medical Society.
At UNC-Chapel Hill, Wesley Burks, MD, made the keynote address speaking about the changing dynamics in health care and the importance of developing leadership skills. Student leaders Audrey Lan, Hannah Chen, and Betsy Yang were instrumental in planning two fabulous events at UNC.
There also will be ‘lunch-and-learn’ sessions for medical students at the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University, and the medical schools at Wake Forest University and Campbell University. In the meantime, if you are a medical student and would like to join the NCMS, click here to visit our membership page and join online. To learn more about how to get involved at the local, state or national level, contact Will Barnett at [email protected].