SB 324 – Repeal Certificate of Need Laws
Primary Sponsors: Sen. Ralph Hise (R – Madison), Sen. Trudy Wade (R – Guilford)
HB 640 – Repeal Certificate of Need Laws
Primary Sponsors: Rep. Beverly Boswell (R – Dare)
This bill was filed jointly in the House and Senate.
This bill would repeal North Carolina’s Certificate of Need Laws.
The bill redefines “health service facility” as a hospital, long-term hospital, psychiatric facility, rehabilitation facility, nursing home, adult care home, kidney disease treatment center, stand-alone hemodialysis units, intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded, home health agency office, chemical dependency treatment facility, diagnostic center, hospice office, hospice inpatient facility, residential care facility and ambulatory surgical facilities.
The bill defines “hospice” as a coordinated program of home care with inpatient care for terminally ill patients and their families.
The bill redefines “intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded to include” facilities licensed under NC GS Chapter 122C Article 2 for the purpose of providing health and habilitative services.
The bill removes the Certificate of Need requirements for these facilities.
This bill would become effective January 1, 2018.
The Senate version of this bill has been referred to the Senate Rules and Operations Committee.
The House version of this bill has been referred to the House Health Committee. If it is favorable there it will move to the House Insurance Committee followed by the Judiciary I Committee.