The North Carolina Medical Society (NCMS) Nominating and Leadership Development Committee met last weekend to interview candidates and vote for the initial slate of nominees for officers, directors and AMA delegates. The general membership still may nominate individuals for these positions between now and Aug. 28, 2017. Please use this form to submit nominations. For questions on the nominating process, contact Evan Simmons via email at [email protected] or by calling 919-833-3836.
The following slate of nominees was selected by the committee:
Timothy J. Reeder, MD, MPH. Associate Professor, Vice Chair for Clinical Operations, Department of Emergency Medicine, Brody School of Medicine, East Carolina University.
NCMS member since 1998. NCMS Board of Directors, Secretary-Treasurer, 2012-2017. Service on numerous NCMS committees and task forces including the Finance Committee, Nominating and Leadership Development Committee, Medical Education Committee, Accountable Care Task Force. Pitt County Medical Society President, 2007.
“I believe passionately in the mission of the NCMS. This organization, over a long history, has supported physicians, the practice of medicine and the citizens of North Carolina. I have served this organization over several years and I believe that I can contribute to the ongoing mission of the NCMS.”
Secretary Treasurer:
John J. Meier, IV, MD, MBA. Internal Medicine/Pediatrician, Wake Internal Medicine Consultants.
NCMS member since 2008. NCMS Board of Directors, Member-at-large, 2014-2017. Served on various NCMS committees and task forces including the Legislative Cabinet, the Accountable Care Task Force, the Constitution and Bylaws Committee and the Finance Committee. A Kanof Institute for Physician Leadership (KIPL) Leadership College Alumnus, class of 2013; a KIPL Clinical Quality University Mentor and co-chair of KIPL’s Health Care Leadership and Management program; Board member and treasurer at Wake Key Community Care.
“I want to serve the Medical Society and think that my unique background in business, public policy and medicine affords me a perspective that few have. We continue to face challenging times with respect to rapidly changing business and political landscapes that will require the Society to have the fundamental financial and business principles in place and to be able to think and act creatively outside the box to adapt. I want to serve in this role to be part of helping the Society to achieve its mission and vision.
Board of Directors, Region 3:
Arthur E. Apolinario, MD, MPH, FAAFP. Family physician, Clinton Medical Clinic.
NCMS member since 2000. NCMS Board of Directors, Region 3 representative, 2014-2017; service on NCMS Legislative Cabinet, Communications and Membership Advisory Committee, Nominating and Leadership Development Committee. Community Practitioner Program participant. Graduate KIPL Health Care Leadership and Management program. Sampson County Medical Society President, 2001-2017.
Board of Directors, Region 4:
Dana L. Chambers, MD. Family Physician, FryeCare Generations.
NCMS member since 1991. NCMS Board of Directors, 2005; Serves as chair of the NCMS Communications and Membership Advisory Committee, 2009-2017 as well as past service on Legislative Cabinet and Nominating and Leadership Development Committee. Community Practitioner Program participant.
“I have carefully considered this opportunity to rejoin the Board. My concern for my patients and my empathy for my beleaguered colleagues has fueled the desire to begin anew with organized medicine at the state level. I have been an employed physician, a private practice physician and a shareholder of a failed large multi-specialty group. These experiences, along with past years of interaction with the NCMS administration and leadership, have given me a newfound perspective as a seasoned professional.”
Board of Directors, At-Large:
Michael J. Utecht, MD, FACEP. Attending physician, Department of Emergency Medicine, Durham, VA Medical Center.
NCMS member since 2005. NCMS Board of Directors, At-large member, 2014-2017. Delegate NCMS House of Delegates, 2009-2015.
“The Society has set upon a remarkable journey to shape the future of medical care and medical leadership in North Carolina. I believe that my direct involvement with clinical mentoring of students, interns and residents will further help to promote and develop future leaders in medicine. I look forward to continue to grow, learn and be an integral member of this amazing team.”
Board of Directors, At-Large:
Eileen M. Raynor, MD, FACS, FAAP. Department of Surgery, Division of Head and Neck Surgery & Communication Sciences, Duke University Health System.
NCMS member since 2009. Served on the NCMS Legislative Cabinet, the Medical Education Committee and the Membership and Communications Advisory Committee. She is an alumna of the KIPL Leadership College, class of 2012. Also served as President of the North Carolina Otolaryngology Society.
“I would like to positively impact the quality of life for North Carolina citizens and its physicians through advocacy and collaboration. As a member of the NCMS Board, we will be able to shape the future of health care for all of North Carolina.”
AMA Delegates:
Mary Ann Contogiannis, MD, plastic surgeon, The Renaissance Center for Plastic Surgery and Wellness, Greensboro. NCMS member since 1986. Served as a member of the NCMS Board of Directors, 2011-14 as well as on the Legislative Cabinet, the Nominating and Leadership Development Committee and several task forces. Also was a Community Practitioner Program participant.
John A. Fagg, MD, plastic surgeon, Plastic Surgery Center of North Carolina, Winston-Salem. NCMS member since 1977. NCMS President, 2000-2001; NCMS Foundation Trustee, 1999-2002; served on various NCMS committees and task forces including the Finance Committee and Legislative Cabinet. Has served as an AMA delegate since 1990 and chaired the AMA Council on Constitution and Bylaws from 2002-04.
Charles F. Willson, MD, pediatrician, Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, Co-Director of Center for Children with Complex and Chronic Conditions, Brody School of Medicine, East Carolina University. NCMS member since 1981. NCMS President, 2006; NCMS Foundation Trustee, 2004-06; served on the NCMS Finance Committee and Legislative Cabinet among other committees and task forces. Pitt County Medical Society President, 1986; AMA delegate since 2010; AMA Council on Medical Service since 2006.
AMA Alternate Delegate:
Timothy M. Beittel, MD, family medicine, Director, Primary Care Services and Corporate Medical Director, ACT Medical Group, Wilmington. NCMS member since 1999. Davidson County Medical
Society President, 2007 and 2009. AMA delegate for the NCMS since 2010.
The Nominating and Leadership Development Committee will reconvene to consider any additional nominees and publish the final slate of candidates by Oct. 3, 2017. Under the NCMS’ new governance structure, online voting for the candidates will begin on Oct. 10, 2017 and continue until midnight on Oct. 23, 2017. Paper ballots also will be available to those who need them.
The members of this year’s Nominating and Leadership Development Committee are:
Past President/Chair Docia E. Hickey, MD
President Elect/Ex-Officio John L. Reynolds, MD
BOD Rep Timothy J. Reeder, MD, MPH, FACEP
BOD Rep Robert A. Yapundich, MD, FAAN
Region 1 Joanne B. Allen, MD
Region 1 Michael P. Moulton, MD
Region 1 Scott R. Avery, MD, FACOG
Region 2 William P. Silver, MD
Region 2 William G. Way, Jr., MD
Region 2 Predrag V. Gligorovic, MD
Region 3 Mark K. LaVigne, MD
Region 3 Maeve E. O’Connor, MD, FACAAI, FAAAAI
Region 3 Sanjay Garg, MD
Region 4 Dana L. Chambers, MD
Region 4 Stephen E. Buie, MD, DFAPA
Region 4 Robert C. Henderson, II, MD