In the months following the 2014 North Carolina Medical Society (NCMS) House of Delegates (HOD), the Bylaws Modernization Task Force appointed by NCMS President Robert Schaaf, MD has worked to revise the current bylaws to reflect a policymaking process within the NCMS that is more accessible and efficient. The revisions propose that component medical societies and NCMS members be able to bring issues to the Board of Directors for discussion and action on a timely basis, rather than waiting for the House of Delegates to meet annually. At the HOD’s direction, the Annual Meeting for the NCMS will be preserved, but policy decisions would be made by the Board, and the House would be dissolved.
“Concern has been raised about the current House of Delegates process being an optimal manner for developing NCMS policy,” said the report to the House by the Constitution and Bylaws Committee. “Although the House has served the profession well for over 150 years, for many years the majority of substantive decisions have been made by the Board of Directors. Using the Board in this manner is the model many businesses use where shareholders elect a smaller group to provide ongoing leadership, who are in turn accountable to the shareholders.”
Jeff Runge, MD, NCMS regional board member and former Vice Speaker of the HOD, chairs the Bylaws Modernization Task Force. At the NCMS Board of Directors and Past Presidents’ meeting held May 16 in Chapel Hill, Dr. Runge reviewed the draft changes to the bylaws. The proposed bylaws were received favorably. NCMS Past President David Bruton, MD, chimed in “I like what I hear. We must change our way of doing business to be relevant to a new generation of members. This is getting it right.”
Dr. Runge, who is joined on the Task Force by Vice Speaker John Meier, MD and Past President and former Speaker Darlyne Menscer, MD, presented the following schedule for finishing their work and presenting new bylaws to members prior to the 2015 Annual Meeting, scheduled for October 23-24, 2015 in Greensboro at the Grandover Resort and Conference Center. “Our goal is to gather as much member feedback as possible on the revisions so that we can make adjustments and produce a first-rate product, delivering meaningful bylaws to our membership.” The timeline includes:
- On May 16, 2015 the Board of Directors and Past Presidents reviewed the overall changes.
- By June 15, the Board of Directors, the Constitution and Bylaws Committee, and former HOD Speakers will provide any additional feedback to recommended changes.
- In July, the Task Force will incorporate changes or bring back any discussion items to the NCMS Board at their meeting on July 11.
- By July 15, the proposed bylaws document will be published on the NCMS website for member feedback.
- By September 1, the Constitution and Bylaws Committee and Task Force will send a summary of member feedback and the final version to Board of Directors for endorsement.
- In September, the final version will be sent to the HOD from the Constitution and Bylaws Committee.
- In early October, the proposed amendments to the NCMS Constitution and Bylaws will be posted online along with any other HOD business.
- Discussion on the report will take place online and at the Annual Meeting.
Watch the NCMS website and the Bulletin for further information.