Happy Monday! Enjoy your NCMS Morning Rounds.
June 14, 2021
NCMS Legislative Update
The Legislature was back this week for another busy week. The House and Senate have stated they have reached a budget number agreement. We’re likely to see a Senate budget either this week or next.
There were several committee meetings last week. We want to point out a few bills. The first is HB96 — Allow Pharmacists to Admin. Injectable Drugs. This bill was combined with pieces (along with new parts) of SB575 –Pharmacists Improve Public Health Needs. It was introduced for discussion only, with several changes requested by the NCMS, North Carolina Medical Board (NCMB), and many other physician and PA specialties that have been involved on this issue. Improvements to this bill will continue to be made, and the bill will likely be heard in Senate Health Committee this week. Thank you if your specialty or society has been engaged in this process.
Another bill that moved was HB453 —Human Life Nondiscrimination Act/No Eugenics. As previously mentioned, the Senate voted on this bill, and it has been sent to the governor. The NCMS is asking Governor Cooper to veto this bill due to its interference with the physician-patient relationship. We’ll keep you updated.
Thank you to the Durham-Orange County Medical Society (DOCMS) for hosting a wonderful event with their local legislators. If you, your specialty, county society or practice are interested in hosting a virtual event with legislators, please contact Sue Ann Forrest, MPA at [email protected].
FDA Approves Higher Dosage of Naloxone Nasal Spray To Treat Opioid Overdose
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently announced the approval of a higher dose naloxone hydrochloride nasal spray product to treat opioid overdose. The newly approved product delivers 8 milligrams (mg) of naloxone into the nasal cavity. The FDA had previously approved 2 mg and 4 mg naloxone nasal spray products.
Naloxone is a medicine that can be administered by individuals with or without medical training to help reduce opioid overdose deaths. If naloxone is administered quickly, it can counter the opioid overdose effects, usually within minutes.
Read more.
$25 Cash Cards Offered at Select Vaccine Sites in Four Counties
As part of its ongoing effort to get more North Carolinians vaccinated and safely bring summer back, NCDHHS is offering $25 Summer Cash Cards at select vaccine sites to offset the time and transportation costs of getting vaccinated.
Select vaccine sites will offer Summer Cash Cards in a limited number of vaccination sites in Mecklenburg, Guilford, Rowan and Rockingham counties through June 8. Anyone 18 and older who gets their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccination — or drives someone to their vaccination — will receive a $25 cash card after vaccination at a participating location while supplies last. Cards are for the first dose only for both the person being vaccinated and the driver.
Learn more at YourSpotYourShot.nc.gov or call 888-675-4567 to find a participating location.
In the News
More Transmissible, Wilier Variant Makes Covid-19 Vaccinations Even More Crucial, Experts Say, STAT, 6-10-21
Learn Opportunity
HRSA will host a two-part webinar series on self-measured blood pressure monitoring (SMBP). In Part 1, speakers from HRSA, CDC’s Million Hearts® initiative, and NACHC will highlight key resources for health centers to use and reference as they prepare to implement SMBP. In Part 2, HRSA-funded health centers will share their experiences planning for and implementing SMBP, including challenges and best practices learned along the way.
SMBP 101: Best Practices for Implementing SMBP
Friday, June 11, 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET
SMBP 102: Challenges and Lessons Learned Implementing SMBP (Stories from the Field)
Thursday, June 24, 12:30-2:00 p.m. ET
If you have policies you’d like your NCMS Board of Directors to consider, please complete the Board input form here. Thanks for reading!