Be sure to check out this month’s issue of Business North Carolina. North Carolina Medical Society (NCMS) CEO Robert W. Seligson is featured prominently in the health care roundtable feature. Seligson along with other health care stakeholders reflect on the state of the state’s health care industry. Read the article here.
The NCMS also was mentioned in an NPR Morning Edition report on the problems with the Veterans Choice program. The NCMS has been working with 30 practices that are struggling to serve their veteran patients because of authorization and payment issues with Veterans Choice. We worked with a reporter from the local NPR affiliate in Charlotte to publicize the problems, which then became part of a larger national report. Listen here.
Kristina Natt och Dag, Ph.D, director of the NCMS Foundation’s Kanof Institute for Physician Leadership, recently had her scholarly article “Leadership Development: Emerging Models and Practices” published in the journal Advances in Developing Human Resources. Read the abstract here.
“I’m very proud of Dr. Natt Och Dag and honored to have her on our staff,” said NCMS CEO Seligson. “This article is just another example of the expertise we have in our leadership development programs as well as the high quality and professionalism of all our staff in advocating for the interests of physicians and physician assistants.”
Also, a shout out to longtime NCMS member Daniel B. Murrey, MD, MPP whose article “Creating Physician Owned Bundled Payments” was published in the New England Journal of Medicine’s Catalyst, a publication focused on practical innovations in health care delivery. See the case study in OrthoCarolina’s newsletter here.