The North Carolina Medicaid Incentive Payment System (NC-MIPS) modifications to comply with the new Final Rule are complete, so NC-MIPS is now accepting Program Year 2015 Modified Meaningful Use (MU) attestations. NC-MIPS attestation assistance can be found in the eligible provider (EP) Modified MU Attestation Guide for Program Year 2015 located on the right hand side of NC-MIPS.
Please note, all EPs will be attesting to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Modified Stage 2 MU requirements. More information regarding Modified Stage 2 MU can be found on the NC Division of Medical Assistance website or on CMS’ website.
NC-MIPS will not be accepting Program Year 2016 attestations (AIU or MU) until May 1, 2016. Please note, Program Year 2016 is the last year an EP may begin participating in the NC Medicaid EHR Incentive Program. Program Year 2016 is also the last year an EP may attest to, and receive payment for, AIU.
If EPs have questions, they should contact the NC Medicaid EHR Incentive Program Help Desk at [email protected] for assistance.
Other questions on the MU program, please contact NCMS Director of Practice Improvement Terri Gonzalez or call her at 919-833-3836 x123.