Meet payer representatives at the Multi-Payer Provider Expo in Asheville on July 18from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Doubletree Asheville – Biltmore, 115 Hendersonville Road. Learn more and register.

The next in the series of workshops presented by the National Rural Accountable Care Consortium and Caravan Health to help practices make the transition to value-based reimbursement will held in Raleigh at the North Carolina Medical Society (NCMS) Center for Leadership in Medicine on Tuesday, Aug. 1. This workshop will focus on behavioral health integration, patient satisfaction and advancing care information. Learn more and register.

The Southeastern Medical Legal Symposium, Physicians Reviewing Physicians, Sept. 18-19, in Atlanta, GA, brings together stakeholders in the various professions involved in litigated medical claims. In its fourth year, the symposium is sponsored by the American College of Legal Medicine [ACLM]. Invitees include health care professionals (e.g., physicians, medical directors, psychologists, and nurse case managers), attorneys, dual degreed MD/PhD/DDS/DPM-JD’s, risk managers, claims managers, adjusters, judges, and others. Learn more and register.

Save the Date for the 29th Annual Fall Foliage Cancer Conference focusing on Updates on Breast and Prostate Cancers, at the Grove Park Inn in Asheville, Oct. 20-21, 2017Learn more.

MAHEC, working with the North Carolina Academy of Family Physicians, The Governor’s Institute on Substance Abuse and Project Lazarus: A Project of CCNC, is offering A Guide to Rational Opioid Prescribing for Chronic Pain, an online education course. The course is designed for all prescribing health care practitioners who are interested in an overview of the rational prescribing approaches for persons with chronic pain disorders. It will fulfill the North Carolina Medical Board’s requirement of at least one hour of continuing education designed specifically to address prescribing practices for chronic pain management. The course cost is $15 for the first 6 months. Offers 3 hours of AAFP, AMA/AAFP Equivalency, and CDE;

NCTracks has Computer-Based Training (CBT) courses on a variety of topics available to providers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day of the year. Anyone who is a registered user with NCID access to the NCTracks secure Provider Portal can access and take a self-paced course. A list of courses available can be found here and under Quick Links on the NCTracks Provider Training page of the public Provider Portal.