The pundits agree that while the fate of the Affordable Care Act is uncertain, the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) and its far-reaching impact on the practice of medicine is likely here to stay. A key component of this massive piece of legislation is the Quality Payment Program (QPP).
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently posted new resources to the QPP website to help eligible clinicians successfully prepare to participate. The NCMS also is working to provide additional resources, so stay tuned to the Bulletin and NCMS website for updates on those.
Here’s a quick summary of what’s available online through CMS to help you learn about this program that will likely touch your practice in some way:
- Quality Payment Program: Key Objectives
- Advancing Care Information Fact Sheet
- Alternative Payment Models (APMs) in the QPP
- Improvement Activities in the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) APMs
- APMs: Medicaid and All-Payer Models Fact Sheet
Quality Measures Specifications
- Quality Measures Supporting Documents
- 2017 Quality Benchmarks
- Quality Measure Encounter Codes
- Advancing Care Information Measure Specifications
- Advancing Care Information Measure Specifications Fact Sheet
- Qualified Registry Self-Nomination Fact Sheet
- QCDR Self-Nomination Fact Sheet
CMS will continue to update the Educational Resources webpage of the Quality Payment Program website to include additional information and resources throughout 2017. Stay tuned for future announcements about the website.