High Death Rates In Cancer ‘Hotspots’ Across NC, North Carolina Health News, 8-9-16
Syncing Up Drug Refills: A Way to Get Patients to Take Their Medicine, Kaiser Health News, 8-8-16
Campbell University, Harnett Health Welcome First Residency Program Physicians, The Fayetteville Observer, 8-5-16
Xtreme Eating 2016, Center for Science in the Public Interest, 8-5-16
Vexing Question on Patient Surveys: Did We Ease Your Pain?, The New York Times, 8-4-16
Aetna Is Notifying Some Doctors About Their Drug-Dispensing Habits, The Washington Post, 8-3-16
New Map Shows North Carolina Could Be Zika Hot Zone, ABC-11, 8-3-16
Dope Sick, Stat, 8-2-16
New Insurance Policy: Abandon ACA Exchanges to Avoid Losses, The Associated Press, 8-2-16
Price of Drug That Reverses Opioid Overdose Is On the Rise, Modern Healthcare, 8-2-16
Many Well-Known Hospitals Fail to Score 5 Stars In Medicare’s New Ratings, Kaiser Health News, 7-27-16
Amid Opioid Epidemic, Rules for Drug Companies Are Loosened, The Los Angeles Times, 7-27-16
When Writing a Prescription Should You Also Write Why?, NEJM Journal Watch, 7-28-16