After Super Bowl Sunday, Physicians In Denver and Charlotte Expect a Flu Surge, Beckers Infection Control and Clinical Quality, 2-5-16
Zika News: Microcephaly Potentially Over-Reported, 1st Known Transmission Via Blood Transfusion, NEJM Journal Watch, 2-5-16
FDA Renews Efforts to Stem Epidemic of Prescription Opioid Abuse, NEJM Journal Watch, 2-5-16
Wake Forest Baptist to Buy Cornerstone Health Care, Winston-Salem Journal, 2-3-16
Study Finds No Harm in Allowing Surgeons-In-Training to Work Longer Shifts, Kaiser Health News, 2-2-16
Obamacare Sign-ups Strong in NC Despite High Rate Hikes, WFAE, 1-29-16
Small Number of Docs Account for Large Share of Malpractice Claims, Modern Healthcare, 1-27-16