Huge Medicare Appeals Backlog Draws Senate Scrutiny, ModernHealthCare, 4-28-15
How Is the Doctor-Patient Relationship Changing? It’s Going Electronic, The Washington Post, 4-27-15
Should Doctors Be Allowed to Ask Patients About Their Gun Habits?, The Los Angeles Times, 4-23-15
Five Years Old, Going On 10: The Future of the ACA, MedPageToday, 4-22-15
Few Consumers Are Using Quality, Price Information to Make Health Decisions, Kaiser Health News, 4-21-15
Jeb Bush Proposes Medicare End-of-Life Directives, The New York Times, 4-17-15
Half the States Look At Right-To-Die Legislation, USA Today, 4-15-15
Goodbye and Good Riddance to SGR, MedPage Today, 4-15-15
Party on SGR’s Grave May End In Hangover, ModernHealthCare, 4-15-15
Health Care Data Points, ModernHealthCare, 4-11-15