The House Select Committee on Community Relations, Law Enforcement & Justice met on Monday, September 28, 2020.
NC Association of Chiefs of Police
The Association discussed previous association policing reforms including the following:
- Implemented statewide non-bias based policing training (implicit bias)
- Worked to revise the basic law enforcement program in scenario based reality training
- Worked in bi-partisan legislators to enact the law enforcement video law
- Re-engineered use of force tactics
- Supported Raise the Age legislation
- Created a Police Professionalism Work Group to present reccomendations to address concerns
The Association’s foundational principle is that the preservation of life must be at the heart of everything a law enforcment agency does.
They discussed two main goals:
- Create a culture of trust and racial equity in communities
- Preserve life in all use of force
The Association also discussed the goal of enhancing professionalism by creating a culture of excellence by improving policies and procedures as well as improving the wuality of the workforce.
The Sheriff’s Association created a working group on Law Enforcement Professionalism. This group discussed training, certifications, accrediation, use of force investigations, data collection, recruitment/retention, and public records.
In October there will be a report released from the Workign Group on where improvements can be made.
NC Police Benevolent Association
The NCPBA discussed some of the top areas of concern for law enforcement officers:
- Mental health
- Response to non-police matters/ordinance violations
- whistleblower protections
- NC Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission
- Procedural Due Process/Uniformity
- Recruitment and Retention
- Office Safety
Overview of Recommendations Recieved
A complete overview was provided of all of the reccomendations recieved for the committee to review thus far.
The group will meet again in October.