HB 554 – Funeral Practice Licensure Technical Corrections

Primary Sponsors: Rep Jamie Boles (R-Moore), Rep. Kelly Alexander (D-Mecklenburg), Rep. Howard Hunter (D-Gates), Rep. Brendan Jones (R-Columbus)

Bill Summary

The bill states that in cases where the physician has not signed a death certificate, the medical director is directed to sign the certificate within five days of reciting the paperwork from a funeral home.

Under the cause of death, the medical examiner may list undetermined if the patient has not seen a physician within three months and may be used for the purposed of creamation.

Bill Movement

The bill was filed on April 2, 2019.

This bill was referred to the following Committees:

  • Regulatory Reform
    • Committee Substitute – passed – April 16, 2019.
  • Rules
    • Committee Substitute – passed – April 18, 2019.

House floor

  • Passed 107-0.


This bill was referred to the following Committees:

  • Agriculture/Environment/Natural Resources
    • Committee Substitute – passed-  June 27, 2019.
  • Finance
    • Passed – July 8, 2019.
  • Rules
    • Sen. Andy Wells (R-Catawba) informed the Rules Committee that he would be introducing an amendment on the Senate floor.
    • Passed – July 22, 2019.

This bill was amended on the Senate floor regarding the licenses of funeral homes on July 23, 2019.

This bill passed on July 23, 2019, and will be sent to Governor Cooper.