HB 1105 – Coronavirus Relief Bill
Some key provisions include the following:
- $25 million – North Carolina Medical Society Foundation to ensure access to medical care for citizens by distributing these funds to independent medical practices in the state with financial needs related to COVID-19
- $21 million – Department of Public Instruction to improve internet connectivity for students
- $25 million – Board of Governors to provide funds to transition students to online education and provide funds for students and families impacted by COVID-19
- $17 million -Duke University Human Vaccine Institute of the Duke Univeristy School of Medicine to develop a vaccine and low-cost COVID-19 testing for active infections
- $12 million – DHHS to allocate equally to the 6 food banks
- $20 million – DHHS to provide temporary assistance in a monthly payment to facilities serving residents who are recipients of State-County Special Assistance during COVID-19
- $12.4 million – North Carolina Association of Free and Charitable Clinics to cover costs of services provided during COVID-19
- $6.5 million – DHHS to MedAssist, to offset costs for providing prescription assistance
- $12.4 million – North Carolina Community Health Center Association to cover the cost of eligible health services provided during COVID-19
- $34 million – North Carolina Senior Living Association and NC Health Care Facilities Association for rapid tests
- $5 million – UNC Board of Governors to mitigate the spread on UNC campuses with testing, tracing, and other COVID-19 related services
- $3.5 million – Reinvestment Partners for their Prescription Program
- $4.35 million – DHHS Division of Social Services, to assist in children in foster care during COVID-19
- $9 million – Growing Rural Economies with Acces to Technology Fund to increase broadband access
- $9 million – UNC Charlotte for the Bioinformatics Reseach Center
- $13 million – UNC Board of Governors to purchase PPE
- $500,000 – East Carolina University to conduct research on the key impacts of COVID-19
- $500,000 – UNC Southern Regional Area Health Education Center for COVID
- $12 million – Department of Administration, Council for Women to be used for domestic violence centers and sexual assault programs
- $5 million – State Board of Elecctions to prevent, prepare for, and respond, to the pandemic during the 2020 election cycle
- $600,000 – DHHS Division of Social services to continue Food and Nutrition Services benefits for dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid
- $8 million – DHHS Division of Child Development and Early Education to provide assistance to parents usiing remote learning opportunities for children
- $20 million – DHHS Provider Relief Fund for the related treatment expenses to treat uninsured patients
- $400,000 – Bridge Grant Recovry, Inc. to offset costs for increased demand in substance abuse services
- $500,000 – Triangle Residential Operations for Substance Abusers, Inc.
- $1 million – Nurse Family Partnership
- $38 million – DHHS to distribute to the LME/MCOs
- $30 million Department of Information Technology – supplementary GREAT Act grant process
- Creation of Earthquake Disaster Recovery Fund and allocation for hurricane relief