HB 1095 – Policy and Funding for Previous JPS Requests

Primary Sponsors: Rep. Alan McNeil (R-Moore) Rep. Jamie Boles (R-Moore) Rep. Ted Davis (R-New Hanover)



  • $535,465 in recurring funds to the Administrative Office of the Courts
    • $250,000 to the Human Trafficking Commission for one full time Executive Directory position and operating costs
    • $187,520 to the NC Innocence Inquiry Commission to support one full time staff attorney, one part time administrative secretary, and investigative services
    • $97,945 to the sentencing and Policy Advisory Commission to support one full time research associate.
  • ~$3.75 million in nonrecurring funding to the Administrative Office of the Courts
    • $3.7 million for implementation of the Integrated Case Management System
    • ~$7,000 to the NC Innocence Inquiry Commission
  • This bill allows the Department of Public Safety to use funds to reimburse counties for the cost of housing convicted inmates awaiting transfer to the state prison system up to $40 per day.


  • This bill makes a correction to recently enacted to human trafficking language to make prosecutors aware of any expunction of records of certain offenses committed by human trafficking victims.
  • *This bill contains other policies that are not listed here that do not directly relate to health.*


This bill was filed on 5/14/2020

Committee referrals: Appropriations, Rules