The line-up of speakers for the M3 – Merging Medicine and Management – Conference in Greensboro on Sept. 15-18 is taking shape and promises three days of interesting and inspiring content.
Back by popular demand, Wayne Sotile, Ph.D., the founder of The Center for Physician Resilience, in Davidson, NC, will continue the conversation about physician wellness. He was a highlight of last year’s NCMS Annual Meeting. Also focusing on this important topic will be Sean Foy, an exercise physiologist, behavioral coach and international authority on fitness, weight management and healthy living.
Director of the NCMS Foundation’s Kanof Institute for Physician Leadership, Kristina Natt Och Dag, will lead the track on leadership development.
With the move to value-based models of care, several speakers including Jeff James, CEO at Wilmington Health and Stephen Nuckolls, CEO at Coastal Carolina Health Care will describe their experience as part of an accountable care organization and the opportunities and challenges such a value-driven model presents.
David Sousa, Chief Operating Officer at Medical Mutual Insurance Company, will speak on how to manage your digital reputation.
Christopher Grubb, MD, an anesthesiologist and pain management consultant out of Greenville, NC, will offer a session on opioid prescribing.
Legislative updates and national speakers offering insight into the November elections, which will be held just a few weeks after the M3 Conference, also will be at the M3 Conference.
Will you be there with your physician and medical practice management team? Mark your calendar and plan to be at the M3. Watch the NCMS Bulletin for more updates on the programming for the conference.