H 164 – Check-off Donation: Cancer Screening
Primary Sponsors: Rep. Nelson Dollar (R – Wake), Rep. Julia Howard (R – Forsyth), Rep. Sarah Stevens (R – Surry), Rep. Susan Martin (R – Wilson)
For more than a decade, advocates for cancer screening have been working to increase the amount of money available to the Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program (BCCCP) for early screening and detection. Through their efforts, the state appropriation has risen to $1.5 million, but more resources are still needed.
This bill would allow for NC citizens to check-off the BCCCP program as one of the programs or charities that they would like to support with their income tax return. This new money, coupled with the state budget allocation, would be used to increase the screening for families making less than 250 percent of the federal poverty level. If treatment is required after screening, a separate funding stream through the federal government assists with provided treatment.
NCMS supports this bill as a way to increase cancer screening in NC without competing for further scarce state resources in the budget process.
Rep. Nelson Dollar (R-Wake) announces the introduction of HB 164 along with other sponsors and advocates for the bill at a press conference on Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2017 at the NC General Assembly.
This bill passed 1st reading on 2.23.2017, and was referred to the House Committee on Finance. If it is found favorable in that committee it will move to the House Health Committee.
HB 164 recieved a favorable report in House Committee on Finance on 3.14.17.
This bill has been referred to the House Health Committee.